I am really Taking a Lot of time to update my Blog regularly..
The Last Few Weeks got a lot more busy..
Actually Its Current the End of Week 4 Now… and I am still working on my
But let’s get back to
Week 2.. In weeks 2 we had an Another Blocking to Final Lecture from by Dave Burgess .
In this he showed up his workflow of animating an entire shot from
start to finish. Every animator develops his/her own way of working, and
'looking over their shoulder' as he/she animates is always a great learning
experience. Like Always he Also showed us How he would think of his Idea,
record Reference, Draw thumbnails and then Start Blocking.. This is Like Basic
of Everyone’s Workflow.. Think about your Ideas\shot, Record some Reference,
Draw your Thumbnail’s, and then Blocking, blocking Plus, Polish etc….
Another Imp thing tip that he too suggests that we should always Set and
Fix out Camera before we actually start Blocking in Maya.. And another thing would be we should also
always Remember that we are Posing our Characters properly.. I mean.. Even if
I'm just turning the head, I will also rotate the neck and upper spine joints a
bit. I also try to add small foot movements as well. Many junior animators often forget to rotate
the neck and just keep on rotating the Head without rotating the neck or it
effect the rest of the body... And Well it almost Impossible for you to move
your head without it affecting your neck. And the rest of the body a little. We
Have to Keep stuff like this in our head when we are posing our characters so
that we can make our shot organic and Believable.. The same thing with the
shoulders Also.. It sometimes also often gets forgotten by young animators..
Well it’s really heard to write down the experience that we get by actually Watching an Animators animating… but I will try my best.. It’s Basically That We have to Remember to add those little Changes that happens and a Body moves and those Tiny things really adds life to your Characters..
And For this weeks Assignment We had to submit our Blocking My.. here's my Blocking Pass assignment...
Well it’s really heard to write down the experience that we get by actually Watching an Animators animating… but I will try my best.. It’s Basically That We have to Remember to add those little Changes that happens and a Body moves and those Tiny things really adds life to your Characters..
And For this weeks Assignment We had to submit our Blocking My.. here's my Blocking Pass
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