Friday, August 10, 2012

Gesture Drawing

Me and Few of My friends decided to Draw at least 10 Gesture Drawing every Day.. Its Been really Fun to and I have Decided to draw Daily.. because I don't Want to Flood this Blog with so many Drawing I decided to Create a Separate Blog to Post just all thise Gesture Drawing.. .  :D

Class 3 - Week 6 ( Advance Overlapping Action )

 This Weeks Lecture Was About Advance Overlapping Action and Anticipation by Bobby beck and Shawn Kelly.. They Talked to us about Overlapping and Anticipation. And Also gave us a Quick Review of what they Talked about Overlapping and Anticipation in the Previous Lecture.  

            They Talked to us about how Overlapping is Based on  Lead and Follow Concept and and Also showed Us some Video Reference explaining  How overlapping action were happening in the Human Body and other objects and animation. When We create our Breakdown or even when we are Planning Our Shot we should not Only Remember to Have nice arc in our Motion but to get some Nice overlapping action in those Breakdown.  With Out Overlapping Aciton your Shot with  Still Look a bit Weird even if You have a Great Arc in it..  There Was an Example my Mentor Showed us explaining this..

            We should also Always Make sure to have some Reversals In our Poses. Reversals Help in making out Shot Look Better. Reversal Help us Give contrast in the Shape in our Shot.  We should Not Just Copy from our Reference we can look at our References  and decide and Push the poses where ever we can.  We should Always know What leading What because that is going to Effect the How the Body part overlap.

            Anticipation is Something which is also Very Imp . With Out anticipation your Shot Will look a weird.  The Main reason to use anticipation is that so that we can lead our audience Eyes  and Make them ready For whats Going to Happen Next. Without Anitipation your Might not see What Happened in your Shot Specially If It’s a Sudden and Fast Movement and get Confused. We Can Sell a Really Fast Motion With a Proper Anticipation Placed Before it.  We Should Always Remember where is the Energy Coming from.
Anticipation Doesn’t Always have to be Big and Huge, The mass is evenly distributed around the Fulcrum ( or what we call center-line of gravity ). `We Should Always try not to  always choose a cliche anticipation, try experimenting with something new.

Class 3 - Week 4 ( Locomotion )

This Weeks Lecture Was about Locomotion in the Human Body  by Dave Mullins. In this Lecture he shot A lot of Video Reference Of Himself and Was showing us All of them explaining How the body IS working.. Its was Super Cool.. I am not sure If I can Explain all of them With words…I Think It was something That Was easy to understand if We Look at it with our Own eyes…

            He Talked to us about how Fulcrum is the Point of balance in a character or a Object and that
the mass is evenly distributed around the Fulcrum ( or what we call center-line of gravity ).
à How Very Motion \ action is Cause due to some Force..
 àAnd How how Body Tends  To Counter Balance itself when it Lifting  something heavy , or even when it walking \ running. 
àAnd How Different Body part Work or are involved when we Walk \ run or lift something heavy.

The Main thing is that We should always Shoot Our Reference and Study and Understand of the Body mechanics are working before we actually Start animating.

Class 3 - Week 3 ( Advanced Arcs an Path of Action )

This Weeks Lecture Was About Arcs and Path of Action.. and Important Principle In animation.. Arcs can add more to animated scenes than any other animation principle, it could make a Shot from Good to Great Or WOW!!

 Arcs and Very Important And as we know almost everything moves In Arcs. Even In a Human Body everything Moves in arcs. But Our Eye Don’t move In Arcs they tend to move in a snappy, poppy fashion…. Adding arcs to any action in your Animation makes the performance  more believable of your characters because it will feel more organic. They Help in Making the Shot Fluid and Organic. 

                                'Straight inbetweens completely kill the essence of an action'  

Without Arcs the Animation Feels Robotic. We should Always Remember That Computers are machine and Not artist. They would always add inbetween with Even spacing and Straight arc to your Poses. Its really a good Idea to grab a scene from your favorite animated movie ( Disney movie.. I like Disney ) and choose a part of a character, like the nose, or the hips...  & track it on your monitor with a dry marker, you'll be AMAZED to see all these arcs flowing, that's one of the reasons that makes these movies alive & iconic.

We should always plan our Arcs even before we actually start our blocking, because in the end it will make the process of tracking arcs a lot easier. You can use different tools to Track your arcs. Such as  Motion Trail , Arc Tracker ,  AC 3d Tool  or you can even use a Simple Marker and Draw on your scene to help to track and check your Arcs.